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General Assembly

The General Assembly of BCSU was held in Sofia on May 20, 2017 in BCSU’s office. There were 34 participants, including members of the board, the staff team, student delegates and volunteers.

The assembly was led by the Chairman of the Board, Martin Raichinov. It began with a report of the previous year’s ministry by the National Director, Craig Weyrens. Then Darena Tsoneva-Dimitrova, BCSU’s Financial Director, presented the budget and expenses from the previous year as well as the proposed budget for 2017, which was voted for and accepted by all those present.

In the second half of the assembly we had elections for the new board members. Two of the previous board members resigned: Charlie Hadjiev and Martin Raichinov. In their place, Maria Aleksandrova and Hristina Chaikovska were appointed by the assembly. The new Chairman of the board will be Marieta Marinova.

The assembly was run with an especially friendly and positive atmosphere.

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