Trilogy - summer
From the 2nd to 8th of July we held our interactive Bible study camp, "Trilogy". This year participants dove deep into the Gospel of Mark - the oldest Gospel which reveals to us the nature of Christ. Twelve students from across the country spent eight hours a day digging into Scripture, studying texts in order to ponder their meaning and seek out application for their own lives.
Hotel "Seasons" once again provided us with comfortable accommodations. With these accommodations we all were able to have wonderful experiences of learning, prayer and rest as well as time for reflection around the pool or in the nature that surrounded us.
Here is what Desi Momcheva said about her experience at "Trilogy" this year: "2 years ago I took part in "Trilogy" and we studied Mark. For that reason, I was afraid that this time the experience would not be so powerful for me. It's hard to describe how much more I learned from this second reading and studying of the text. This "Trilogy" was extremely beneficial and helpful – it was a time when I learned how much I need God's Word every day to have the strength and wisdom everyday and in every situation. I discovered the power of confession, I saw how Jesus changed the world’s culture through the way he served and taught, I discovered many of the pitfalls that make my heart hard to the words of Jesus, and I was exhorted to leave everything and follow the King who alone has the power to give his life for me and save me. My heart is filled with gratitude for this week with Jesus!"