A new beginning
A new beginning
Autumn came and it was time once again for the BCSU groups to begin gathering to study God's Word together. We're excited to share with you what's happening with the groups in the different cities.
The student groups in Varna meet every Wednesday and Monday at 6:30pm and together discuss and interpret various parables of Jesus, learning to put into practice what they have learned. For this semester, they are planning a monthly joint meeting for both groups. In early November, the students from Varna will travel to Veliko Tarnovo, where they will spend time with the local group and part of the Plovdiv group. On 6.11 the students will have a hike to Aladzha Monastery, and on 20.11 they will challenge themselves to a wall climb.
The Veliko Tarnovo group will study Discipleship in Practice and meet every Tuesday at 7:00pm. In October they organized 3 events for non-believers. Two Board Game nights with a total of 13 new students joining. They now have a Reformation event coming up. They are planning a movie night with a discussion at the end, and it will all be focused on the Reformation. And in November, they will continue with the board games.
This semester, the Plovdiv group has also started. They opened the semester in early October and meet in 2 groups every Wednesday and Thursday at 6:30pm and study the message of James. Every third week the two groups will meet and spend time together having a board game night on 3.11 and during the month of November they will plan a time for walks, games, worship evening and more.
In Sofia, the students gather in 3 groups - on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and they all study "Building Spiritual Character" - the Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount and once a month (every fourth time) there is a general gathering for all the groups. The students initiate informal gatherings themselves on various occasions and it is never boring.
The International Group in Varna meets Sundays at 6:30pm, and is studying John using the Uncover John books. They have been doing outings, game nights, and are planing to celebrate thanksgiving together.
The international group in Sofia will also start their gatherings soon.
Each of the students is an answer to many prayers and we thank God for the things He is doing in their lives, at BCSU and in the academic world. He is truly faithful and never ceases to surprise us through the ways he works. We are also thankful for all the prayers and may you continue to pray that students will not cease to be examples of Christ to those around them and continue to invite their colleagues and friends to know Him.