Zoom Trilogy
Many things have changed in our world since the coming of the new virus. Everyone is adjusting to a new reality, and some of us have been affected more than others. But for each of us we can find peace in the fact that our God is in control of the situation, even when it seems like things are getting out of hand.
For our team, this has been a season of learning how to let go-of our plans, our expectations, and our habits of ministry. We are all high achievers, and the process of slowing down and trusting God to work even when we can’t has been a good lesson for all of us. However, this has also been a time where we have had the opportunity to be creative and think about ministry in a new way. We have been able to try some new ideas, and have seen God working in the lives of students.
One of these ideas has been to organize our traditional one-week manuscript Bible study camp on Trilogy in a new way. We decided that we could host6 consecutive days in which we could study one of Jesus' most famous and often cited sermons, the Sermon on the Mount, every night for 2 hours. Usually 20-25 people come to our Inductive Bible Studycamp. Yet when we advertised this online event in just a few days, we had 63 participants registered. On the very first day we had over 50 participants, and throughout the week the numbers remained around 40. Online learning has its drawbacks, but we are glad that we were able to have an incredible and in-depth Bible study with double the number of participants. God is good, and those who seek Him find ways to meet Him, even at an unusual time like this.